October Newsletter
To the Church Family at Faith Baptist Church; Do you ever notice that this monthly message from the pastor is address to our “Church Family.” Most church members consider their participation in church as being part of a church family. It is a biblical idea: God is our heavenly Father, we are brothers and sisters in the faith, and believers are said to be “members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). We speak of the church we attended where we grew up as our “home church.” On October 8, we will celebrate our annual church “Homecoming.” Lee Butler is going to bring the message that day and the meal afterwards will provide many good things to eat. I hope you will make a special effort to attend so that we can join together as a church family and welcome home some previous church family members. Part of being in “the household of God” is the fact that we can call God, the all-powerful, eternal, creating God “Father.” Jesus taught us that when he gave us the Model Prayer. He said to pray like this, “Our Father, who art in heaven.” What a privilege it is to bring our cares, concerns, requests, and desire for guidance and power in living the Christian life to the great God who is also our Father. On Monday, September 25, we began a “20 Days of Prayer” emphasis. The idea is to pray biblical prayers for ourselves and our fellow church members. We will be praying Monday through Friday for four weeks. A booklet that includes a scripture, devotional, and prayer suggestion is available to guide in this emphasis. If you did not have the opportunity to get a prayer guide and participate with us as we pray for one another, you can get one this coming Sunday and start your 20 days of prayer next Monday. Families look out for, and encourage, one another. We can do the same for our church family by praying for each other, bringing our requests for one another to our holy, powerful, loving heavenly Father. The Old Testament prophet Samuel told the people of God, “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord, by ceasing to pray for you” (1 Samuel 12:23). Don’t sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for your fellow church members. As you pray, they will be blessed and so will you. Your Pastor Ken Harmon Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Please remember to pray for OCC. Items needed for OCC for October. Soap, combs, hairbrushes. Balls, items for teenagers, and more small notebooks. Packing party will be in November. Monetary donations- $10.00 for shipping. If you would like to give a monetary gift-please write check out to Faith Baptist Church (for-OCC2023). May God bless you for all your giving! Thank you Faye Hutto
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